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Confident and Courageous Leadership 

We work with organisations to inspire and nurture inclusive and conscious leaders, who are strong decision makers. We build leadership teams that are comfortable grappling with the tensions of leadership and can nurture diversity of thought. We support leaders to create space for themselves, enabling them to think clearly and develop a leadership approach that is fit for the future. 

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Meet Hannah 

MD and Accredited Coach 

How would you describe Sensus Coaching?

Leadership can be fulfilling, energising and generous, yet sometimes it falls short of these goals. We aim to support organisations to reinstate leadership as a desirable role and elevate the role of leadership to create an organisation full of potential.

Our leaders gain clarity, direction and lead with heart.

They are leaders who pause, explore the unknown, grapple with the difficult, connect to their inner wisdom and change the way they lead forever. 

This wholehearted approach enables creativity to thrive, opens dialogue and a climate of adaptability and transformation.  

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We Specialize in
121, Group and Team Coaching
for Senior Leaders and Executives











The Journey Towards Conscious Leadership Begins on the Path of Presence.

Begin Your Journey Today.

Team Coaching

The work of Sensus Coaching was incredibly observant and open. This transparency enabled us to identify how our own thinking was holding us back, creating tension and frustration. As a result of the team coaching we work in a different way and observe through different lenses. We take both mental and physical pauses in our working day to assess and reflect on the important decisions.

- Director of Commissioning Services 

121 Leadership Coaching

Sensus Coaching  has enabled our leaders to be present; this has been incredibly powerful; it has been a way of increasing their conscious awareness at in their roles. They have described how their energy and time are divided appropriately, reducing frustration, stress and resentment. They have described how they have been able to consider who they are as a leader and more importantly, who they want to be and how to get there.

- Director of Education

Group Coaching

We were taken from zero to superhero storytellers as part of our development programme. We learned about ourselves and others and the world around us. The sessions were engaging, warm and encouraging. We were nudged to retell our stories and come up with our own solutions. Hannah led coaching sessions which challenged us to reflect on our practice, whilst building confidence and awareness of issues about what we do and how we might change. An enjoyable and deeply stimulating programme. 

- CEO Charity


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Become The Leader
You Want To Be

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